How to find/connect RTE at another computer?

  • jerry - 2022-06-02

    I am new to CodeSys, and got stuck at "Device"-"Communication Settings" dialog (see attached screenshot):

    1. My CodeSys IDE is SP17.
    2. My CodeSys RTE at another computer is SP10.

    Can I connect my SP17-IDE to SP10-RTE?
    Any documentation on the steps to follow? For example:

    1. As you can see: IP- is connected to SP10-RTE computer.
    2. As you can see: DESKTOP-2MJCM4F should be my local computer, I don't see RTE-computer.
    3. How to configure Gateway?
    4. How to scan network?
    5. Do I need to start/stop "Gateway SysTray" or "Control Win SysTray" in my local computer? 

    Last edit: jerry 2022-06-02
  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2022-06-06

    First of all try to ping the other PC to check the cable and IP address settings.
    In the CODESYS IDE make sure to have selected the correct device. So check if it is an RTE 32/64 bit and make sure you have selected the correct version.
    Then CODESYS should be able to find the RTE, unless the IPC blocks the incomming connection. For this reason try to (temporarily) disable the firewall on the IPC with the RTE, then try again.

    • jerry - 2022-06-08

      Great thanks timvh for your hints.
      It works now after I double checked:

      1. make sure IDE is in the same subnet as RTE --- "ping to RTE" should succeed.
      2. select the correct device with correct version.

      Last edit: jerry 2022-06-08

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