abner - 2021-05-22

Hi everyone,

I am working with a Raspberry Pi 3B+ & an PCF8591 pre-configured module, I downloaded the library and XML device, and I communicate both devices via I2C, I was able to read each one of the analog Inputs A0-A3.

The problem is when I try to work with Analog Output, there is a variable in the library called "out", so I put a value between 0-255 and I read 0V on the Output.

I have tryied with differents values on control Byte 16#40, 16#41, 16#42, 16#43

I did a test with an Arduino UNO and it worked perfectly, so I think that It could be something with the library but I cannot get the issue.

I hope that someone could help, thank you...


Last edit: abner 2021-05-22