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Edgelogix-rpi-1000-cm4102032 SPI port connection to PiFace I/O Driver in CodeSys.

  • sunfloweeerrry - 2023-08-18


    I hv a problem. Couldn't solve this for 2 days now. So I'm quite new at CodeSys and I have to use the spi port x30 on the edgelogix rpi 1000. So what I have to do is just 'add device' at the SPI where I hv to pick the 'SPI master' after that I hv to change the parameters according to the edgelogix I did found in the spidev.h but nothing got updated so I 'add device' again where I pick the PiFace I/O Driver and I put my variables at the I/O Mapping, which i put the input startbit at the in part and led at the out part. I want to make the led blink according to my structured text code but somehow the hardware didn't connected with the CodeSys spi port. Nothing happens. Any idea what I have to do?

    • sunfloweeerrry - 2023-08-21

      Please anyone help there is not a lot reference about this.


      Last edit: sunfloweeerrry 2023-08-21

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