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SDO generation

  • fcmtw - 2024-01-23


    When I'm adding a CANOpen device in my WAGO CANOpen Manager, CODESYS automaticaly generates some SDO's that I can't directly disable.

    From what those SDO's are generated ? I'm not finding anything about it in the EDS files.
    Also, is there a way to disable the automaticaly generated SDO and execute the manualy created ones ?


  • masmith1553 - 2024-01-25

    If you add any device to the CANOpen Manager it will send messages to verify the device is on the network. Do you have the Enable expert settings check box checked in the General tab? have you added any SDOs in the SDOs tab?

    I avoid using the CANOpen Manager and just use the CAN_Tx and CAN_Rx blocks from the library.

  • fcmtw - 2024-01-26

    Thanks for the answer.
    So yes I've enabled expert settings, and yes i've added some SDOs, but some of them who are generated are likely making a mess in the network and generated error with my device...

    From which library comes those 2 function blocks ?

  • masmith1553 - 2024-01-26

    I use the ifm products which have these blocks in their package. I would think Wago has something similar.


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