Connceting an Anybus .Net-to-Ethernet/IP Device

  • mike-at-gms

    mike-at-gms - 2020-03-12

    Hi, I am trying to add an Anybus .Net-to-Ethernet/IP gateway (AB9078-C) device to my Codesys project. I have an example PC application that came from Anybus with an EDS file. I have installed this file into my Codesys, configured the I/O according to the example and downloaded my project.
    In the device tree, the adapter displays a red triangle and the Status is 'Not Running'. If I look at the EtherNet/IP IEC Objects tab, I see eState = ENCAPSULATION_CONFIG but no faults. The documentation for the IoDrvEtherNetIP.RemoteAdapter_diag (the object type) states that:

    ENCAPSULATION_CONFIG - Start the encapsulation server of the scanner on default port 44818 TCP. Go on with ADAPTER_CONFIG if ok, else ScannerState.BUS_ERROR.

    So, I am assuming that the FB is waiting to connect to port 44818. But what is broken? I have connected other E/IP devices without any trouble.

    Has any one used one of these Gateways before? Do I need to somehow skip this part of the Pre-Op or set some internal parameter of the device (Anybus support does not have any Codesys experience)? AM I using the wrong object type?

    Thanks, Mike

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2020-03-12

    Hi Mike. I have never used one. I had a flip through the manuals of from that my guess is you haven't yet set an IP address for the AB9078's OT Port. Their documentation suggests the only way to do this is to plug your laptop into the OT side of the AB9078 and use their IP Config tool.
    So first step is, can you ping the AB9078 from the OT side?
    Now there are two modes listed, Message or Stream. Stream looks the nicest. Not sure if they have a different EDS File for streaming Vs messaging. Write back where you get to.

  • mike-at-gms

    mike-at-gms - 2020-03-12

    Progress! The OT side was set to DHCP (I need to go back to the document. I though I saw that both sides use the same address...).

    So, now the eState reports CONFIGURED and I get green activity LEDs on the OT side.
    The example app uses Message Mode, but I will be using Stream in the final project. The EDS file looks the same but I will TRIPPLE check this.
    I am also looking at the EIP example project from the Codesys store (I had downloaded it a while ago, but never needed to open it...) and incorporating the GetAttribute FB to get more detailed status.

    Thanks for the help and I will let you know how things go.


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