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How to set TCPClient() Buffer Size?

  • sinameshksar - 2021-05-14

    Hello Codesys Community,

    I implemented a simple TCP Client application using the TCPClient() ST function based on Halcon project(attached). It works fine with smaller packets of data but if I try to send messages larger than 56KB it stops working properly. Any idea what it can be?
    To me I need to increase the size of the TCP buffer but not sure how it should be done?


  • kzuidberg - 2021-05-19

    Hello Sina,

    I also had to check for a possible solution but at another website I found something which might be helpfull in getting your problem solved:


    I saw in your program you do a single TCPRead. If the complete message isn't received in the hardware buffer yet, you have to repeat it until the NULL characters is received.

    Hope this helps.


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