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Opening SP15 Project with SP16: CmpEventMgr

  • S1ack

    S1ack - 2020-08-28

    Going back and opening some projects that were developed with SP15, it seems SP16 changed something library wise. I see an error upon opening...

    [ERROR]         PAC_C&I_P971910014_SP16_100: Library Manager [Enclosure_PAC: PLC Logic: Application]: Could not open library '#CmpEventMgr Implementation'. (Reason: The placeholder library 'CmpEventMgr Implementation' could not be resolved.)

    I am reasonably sure I can resolve this by creating a new StartDone event triggered task, and doing some cut and pasting. But, I wanted to know if there is a way to fix this within the Library manager.

    This is the problem...

    What's the solution?

  • S1ack

    S1ack - 2020-08-28

    What I did was to add library and text search on 'Implementation', I selected the CmpEventMgr Implementation hit. It compiles.


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