Cannot create/download projects containing webvisu objects.

  • nielsw - 2021-08-31


    i am experiencing issues creating webvisu objects.

    Editing a project existing on the target device, i am missing the option to create a webvisu object.

    Starting with a fresh project i am able to create webvisu objects but downloading fails with unresolved references.
    [-img src=Unbenanntes Bild.png width=50%: missing =-]

    [FATAL ERROR]   Unresolved reference: 'BMPPOOLBEGIN'
    [FATAL ERROR]   Unresolved reference: 'BMPPOOLEND'
    [FATAL ERROR]   Unresolved reference: 'VISHCLIENTKEEPALIVE'

    In my opinion this points to unsupported/missing library requirements on the target. But i could not find any resources to resolve this issue.

    Specs are as follows: * ctrlX PLC 1.10.0 - based on CODESYS 3.5.17 * PLC-V-0108.1 based on CODESYS 3 Runtime

  • m.prestel - 2021-08-31

    It seems that your device does not support target or webvisualizations...

    Could you attach your devdesc?
    I think you have to contact your OEM for webvisualization support.

    Best regards,


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