How to get 'Bus cycle task name' from libraries?

  • eric.lin - 2019-11-04

    Hi, I am using Linux as my OS
    And I want to get the 'Bus cycle task name' of codesys application,
    so that I can set the task to a specific cpu core to enhance my throughput

    I know users can select bus cycle task or can change the task names using IDE
    But how to get the current name of the bus cycle task? is there a function call can do this?
    Thank you

  • eric.lin - 2019-11-04

    Thank you~ I surveyed this lib once
    I saw many attributes of a task in 'Task_Info2'
    But I didn't find any symbol related to 'Bus cycle task'
    I want to know which task in my application is the 'bus cycle task' bounded by user
    Can you give me some clues?

  • dFx

    dFx - 2019-11-04

    To me (I may be wrong), you are looking for some bus/device/variable property that would define the associated refresh task.
    Try to have a look while online (even simulating), to visualize the structures associated to your bus device.
    can't help that much.

    To return the name, Task_Info2.pszName^ string to return it.

  • eric.lin - 2019-11-05

    You provided a good direction to check
    I was looking around components about 'Task properties' with no luck before
    Bus/device items may have the answer to my question, I'll try to find it out
    Thanks, please notice me if you have any other idea


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