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OPC UA datasource low read frequency

  • yr00 - 2023-08-29

    Hello everyone,
    I am trying to test the OPC UA client feature in Codesys. My setup is the following; I have a Codesys simulation/ visualization running on Control Win V3. My OPC UA server is hosted on a Siemens 1518 PLC using PLCSim Advanced.
    The setup is completely virtual so there are no really PLCs. Everything is on my laptop.

    Writing data from the Codesys simualtion to the server is very quick. I have a PLC program running on another 1500 PLC which reads data from simulation via the server, and changes in the simulation (e.g. button pressed) appear within hundreds of miliseconds if not tens of miliseconds in my PLC program. However, when it comes to reading data from the OPC UA Server by Codesys, it taks around 1-2s.

    I connected a UAExpert client and it gets update very quickly so I am fairly sure the problem is with Codesys.

    I have tried changing the update rate in datasource -> General and Diagnosis, but it doesn't seem to have an effect.

    Do you guys have any suggestion on what I can do?


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