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No source code available for this pbject

  • deeksha - 2023-07-21

    I am working on EtherCAT protocol and trying to read EtherCAT SDO parameter using CoDeSys. I did all the configuration and added suported libraries. but when I am trying to go online, CoDeSys is throwing me error :
    "No source code available for this object because it is in the compiled library 'ethercatstack,'. Do you want to browse for the original library in order to display the source code?"

    I am not getting what I am doing wrong and how to resolve this error. Can someone please help me in resolving this error?
    Libraries that I am using : snap is attached. I am using "ETC_CO_SdoRead()" function to read SDO.

    Thanks in advance for the help!!!

  • Fless

    Fless - 2023-07-21

    it looks like you're causing an exception in this library right on start.
    Codesys can't tell you where because it has no source for the library.

    Cause could be an invalid pointer.

    • deeksha - 2023-07-21

      I don't understand. I have just called the function to read SDO. Here are the snaps of my PRG and FB code:
      Can you please help? Thanks.

    • deeksha - 2023-07-21

      When I open the library and double click on the function, then also it gives same error. Is there any problem in library itself?

    • deeksha - 2023-07-21

      When I open the library and double click on the function, then also it gives same error. Is there any problem in library itself?

  • Ton - 2023-07-22

    You have to declare some inputs.
    SdoRead_RU01: ETC_CO_SdoRead;
    wRU01: WORD;

    xExecute:= ,
    usiCom:= 1, //index of master 1: first ETC master
    uiDevice:= DRIVE_400U1.PhysSlaveAddr,
    wIndex:= 16#2C01,
    bySubindex:= 16#00,
    udiTimeOut:= 500,
    pBuffer:= ADR(wRU01),
    szSize:= SIZEOF(wRU01));

    • deeksha - 2023-07-24

      I have declared these inputs, still getting same error. Here is the snap:


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