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WebVisu crash

  • jeromebunel - 2022-02-23

    I have a Linux SL V3.5 SP16 application with webvizu and about ten clients.
    Sometimes the web server crashes.
    And I don't understand why.
    I found these errors in the logs :

    TlsCreateContext: Failed to read certificate './PKI/cert/server.cer' in namespace: 'WebServer'.
    TlsCreateContext: Creating the TLS context for namespace 'WebServer' failed.

    What do these messages mean?
    How to prevent the webserver from crashing or how to restart it automatically?

    Attached is the log export file.
    The event occurred at "23-Feb-22 4:27:20 PM

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2022-02-24

    Hi Jerome,

    Sometimes the web server crashes.
    And I don't understand why.

    There's a vulnerability reported 2021-09, you should upgrade to at least SP16 P5 or SP17 P1 runtime

    What do these messages mean?

    It means you do not have a certificate there.
    Open either CODESYSControl.cfg or CODESYSControl_user.cfg and delete or comment out the lines:


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