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Ethernet/IP Adapter compile error

  • richard-wang - 2023-03-16

    I am using Codesys V3.5 SP18 Patch 2+(64 bit) software and it works very well on EIP master, but when I insert the Ethernet/ip Adapter, after compile, it gives me error "SetAdapter is no component of 'Connecotor'" along with other two errors message, pls see the attached picture. I would really appreciate if you can help me on this.

  • richard-wang - 2023-03-16

    Additional information, I am trying to set up my Raspberry Pi as Ethernet/IP adapter, so that other Master PLC can reach my PLC cyclically, that is why I added the EIP Adapter under "Ethernet", but the error occurs right after I insert this adapter, please see the picture attached.

  • richard-wang - 2023-06-03

    Anyone knows about this issue? Does it mean Ethernet/ip Adapter has to be licensed?

  • richard-wang - 2023-06-03

    This is resolved by update Ethernet/IP from 4.3.0 to 4.4.0.

  • AutomaSAS - 2023-06-05

    TY for this. I had the same issue and created a new install instance after reviewing your post with the updated packages which resolved the issue for us as well.


    Last edit: AutomaSAS 2023-06-05

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