SFC Init bug?

  • wpmccormick - 2018-04-05

    I'm seeing an issue where the step entry action (as opposed to IEC action) is not executed for a step immediately entered after the init step. Other entry actions work as expected.

    This has to be a bug.

  • wpmccormick - 2018-04-05

    The problem is that the IEC "N" Action on the Init step was executing and over-writing what happened in the entry action of the subsequent step.

    Bug in my code I guess, but CODESYS actions can be confusing as all hell!

  • somlioy - 2018-04-09

    Agree that they can be quite confusing.

    Another thing I noticed is that if you have a transition with a regular boolean variable and you reset this variable with IEC-action "R" in a later step you wont be able to get past that transition even tho the reset comes after the transistion.

  • Anonymous - 2018-04-10

    Originally created by: ph0010421

    somlioy hat geschrieben:
    Another thing I noticed is that if you have a transition with a regular boolean variable and you reset this variable with IEC-action "R" in a later step you wont be able to get past that transition even tho the reset comes after the transistion.

    The R and S action qualifiers are persistent; they keep RESETTING or SETTING when that step isn't active; it's standard SFC behaviour. A good reason to avoid them IMHO


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