Trying to create a Alarm Manger Client (which implements IAlarmManagerClient) but apparantly I'm missing an interface to make it work.
I'm only getting the error sayin IAlarmFilterCriteria is not defined which is the datatype used by method "GetFilterCriteria" in the client.
C0046: Identifier 'IAlarmFilterCriteria' not defined PFC200_2ETH_RS_3G LastAlarmMessageClient Line 3 (Decl) 4/19/2018 3:31:03 PM
Where can I find this? I'm using Wagos e!Cockpit.
When I'm opening this example ( ... nager.html) i dont get an error, but I can't find it there either. "Go to Definition" dosent lead anywhere.
When you're at the "add library" dialog, click advanced at bottom, open the "intern" folder, scroll down and open "AlarmManger" then add "Alarm Manager Interfaces * Intern" and voilà .
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Trying to create a Alarm Manger Client (which implements IAlarmManagerClient) but apparantly I'm missing an interface to make it work.
I'm only getting the error sayin IAlarmFilterCriteria is not defined which is the datatype used by method "GetFilterCriteria" in the client.
Where can I find this? I'm using Wagos e!Cockpit.
When I'm opening this example ( ... nager.html) i dont get an error, but I can't find it there either. "Go to Definition" dosent lead anywhere.
Alright. Figured it out.
When you're at the "add library" dialog, click advanced at bottom, open the "intern" folder, scroll down and open "AlarmManger" then add "Alarm Manager Interfaces * Intern" and voilà .