variables between two applications

5 days ago
4 days ago
  • gatto

    gatto - 5 days ago

    I'm experimenting with two applications.
    I was able to start stop applications with the CmpApp library.
    Currently in my test the variables declared in the first application are not visible and writable in the second.

    I ask if there is the possibility of having variables that are visible both in the first application and in the second.

  • nano - 5 days ago

    use an gvl for interact variables beetween apps and threads.

    this should work

  • gatto

    gatto - 4 days ago

    As you can see in the uploaded image, in my test project, I have a variable list GVL_1 which is located in appication_1.
    But if I write in POU_2, which is instead found in application 2, I cannot find the variables of GVL_1.
    it seems that the GVLs are children of each app


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