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C0244: No VAR_PERSISTENT list is part of the application to enter instance path for variable

  • akrabato - 2021-04-21

    I tried to create list of GLOBAL PERSISTENT variables like described here:

    What does this warning mean: "C0244: No VARPERSISTENT list is part of the application to enter instance path for variable"? How this should be fixed?

    I find the solution to run this command "Declarations β€£ Add All Instance Paths",
    but I don't have such menu in the main menu. How can I make it available?

  • dawidr - 2021-04-21

    I don't know how it looks like in CodeSys but in Wago e!Cockpit you can add Persistent Variables file but right clicking on the application and selecting it from the menu like this:

  • akrabato - 2021-04-21

    Thank you! It works!


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