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Bug in Control Loop Library, Setpoint off by 1

  • janderson - 2023-08-03

    I may have discovered a bug in the control loop library.

    I am using a PID Controller and when I use an anti-wind-up strategy the response will settle at exactly the setpoint-1.

    When the anti-windup strategy is removed the controller settles at the setpoint correctly.

    PROGRAM temperature_control
        //PID Controllers
        PID_1_output: LREAL := 0.0;
        PID_1_error: Ctrl.Controller_Error;
        PID_1_integrator : Ctrl.Integrator_ParabolicApproximation;
        PID_1_diff : Ctrl.Differentiator_LinearAverageApproximation;
        b_array : ARRAY [0.. 99] OF LREAL := [100(0.01)];
        filter_1 : Ctrl.Filter_FIR := (palrCoefficientsB := ADR(b_array), udiSizeCoefficientsB := SIZEOF(b_array));
        filter_1_error : Ctrl.Controller_Error;
        PID_1: Ctrl.Controller_PID;
        kp: LREAL := 0.3;
        ki: LREAL := 0.03;
        kd: LREAL := 0.00;
        PID_1_limits_active : BOOL;
        //PWM Generators
        PWM_1_cool : Ctrl.PWM_Creator_FixedCycle;
        PWM_1_heat : Ctrl.PWM_Creator_FixedCycle;
    PWM_1_cool.udiPWMCycleTime := 100000; //microseconds
    PWM_1_heat.udiPWMCycleTime := 100000; //microseconds
    //turn on heatsink fans
    GVL.heatsink_fan := TRUE;
    // filter temperature signal
        lrValue := GVL.TC1,
        xEnable := GVL.temperature_control_1_enable,
        lrFilteredValue => GVL.TC1_filtered,
        eErrorID => filter_1_error);
    //PID Controllers
        lrActualValue := GVL.TC1_filtered,
        lrSetPoint := GVL.temperature_setpoint_1,
        xEnable := GVL.temperature_control_1_enable, //output will go to zero on disable
        lrOffset := 0,
        lrMinValue := -1,
        lrMaxValue := 1,
        lrKP := kp,
        lrKI := ki,
        lrKD := kd,
        itfIntegrator := PID_1_integrator,
        itfDifferentiator := PID_1_diff,
        lrOutput => PID_1_output,
        eErrorID => PID_1_error,
        xLimitsActive => PID_1_limits_active,
    IF PID_1_output <= 0 THEN
            lrProportionValue := -1*PID_1_output,
            xOutput => GVL.h_bridge_1_cool,
            eErrorID =>,
            xEnable := GVL.temperature_control_1_enable);
            lrProportionValue := 0,
            xOutput => GVL.h_bridge_1_heat,
            eErrorID =>,
            xEnable := GVL.temperature_control_1_enable);
    ELSIF PID_1_output > 0 THEN
            lrProportionValue := 0,
            xOutput => GVL.h_bridge_1_cool,
            eErrorID =>,
            xEnable := GVL.temperature_control_1_enable);
            lrProportionValue := PID_1_output,
            xOutput => GVL.h_bridge_1_heat,
            eErrorID =>,
            xEnable := GVL.temperature_control_1_enable);

    Does anyone else experience this behavior?

  • janderson - 2023-08-08

    Nevermind, i did not recognize that the clamp is placed on the value of the integrator prior to it being scaled by KI. After increasing the max and decreasing the min, it functions normally.


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