PROGRAMPLC_PRGVARÂ Â parameters:ARRAY[1..4]OFINT;Â Â splitString:BOOL;Â Â fileString:STRING:='123$R$N492$R$N500$R$N6091$R$N';Â Â arINT1:INT;Â Â first:STRING;Â Â fileStringDel:STRING;Â Â index:INT:=1;END_VAR
    arINT1 :=FIND(fileString,'$R$N');
    first :=LEFT(fileString,arINT1-1);
    fileString :=DELETE(fileString,arINT1+1,1);
  splitString :=FALSE;
  index :=0;  END_IF
Unfortunately the maximum editable string size is 255 characters so not many parameters can be saved into one string.
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Try looking at StringUtils library. You can do something like this to have way more than 255 characters:
  sLongString : STRING(1024) :='01234567890$R$N1234567890$R$N2345678901$R$N3456789012$R$N4567890123$R$N5678901234$R$N6789012345';
  sShortString : STRING;
  sSplitChars : STRING :='$R$N';
  iSplitLocation : INT;
  MAXPARAMETERS : INT :=9;END_VAR//Loopthroughstringuntilthereisnostringleftorarrayhashititslimits
    iSplitLocation :=StrFindA(pst1:=ADR(sLongString), pst2:=ADR(sSplitChars), uiSearchStart:=1)-1;
      iSplitLocation :=DINT_TO_INT(StrLenA(pstData:=ADR(sLongString)));
      aParameters[iCount] :=STRING_TO_ULINT(sShortString);
      iCount :=iCount+1;
    StrDeleteA(pby:=ADR(sLongString), iLength:=(iSplitLocation+2), iPosition:=1);
    //Checktoseeifmoreparameterscanfitinarray. Ifnotexitloop
      iCount :=0;
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Yes, In the above example I define the size of the string by declaring "sLongString : STRING(1024) := ..." so we are at 4x the standard size of STRING. With the StringUtil library you specify the size of the buffer using the SIZEOF(sLongString) so you aren't limited to the 255. You can go much higher than 1024 but this was just for example.
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I read a text file with saved parameters which has the following structure:
The resulting string looks like the following:
How can I extract all the numbers without the special characters from the string and assing them to an INT array?
split your string using the special chars ( Cr Lf ) into a string array.
Then cast each string item to the desired datatype (int, real …)
The following code worked for me:
Unfortunately the maximum editable string size is 255 characters so not many parameters can be saved into one string.
Try looking at StringUtils library. You can do something like this to have way more than 255 characters:
You code looks much better than mine.
So by using this library it's possible to manipulate strings longer than 255 characters?
Yes, In the above example I define the size of the string by declaring "sLongString : STRING(1024) := ..." so we are at 4x the standard size of STRING. With the StringUtil library you specify the size of the buffer using the SIZEOF(sLongString) so you aren't limited to the 255. You can go much higher than 1024 but this was just for example.