Auto Declare window disappears by itself in the Ladder editor

6 days ago
10 hours ago
  • imdatatas - 6 days ago

    Hello Everyone,

    The "Auto Declare" window disappears by itself in the Ladder editor.
    For example, a new function block is wanted to be added to the Ladder editor. (For example; MC_Jog block and instance name will be fbMcJog).

    To do this, "Empty box with EN/ENO" is added to the ladder line from the Toolbox on the right and when you type MC_Jog in the empty box and press enter, normally the "Auto Declare" window appears and you are expected to be asked to write the instance name here.

    However, this "Auto Declare" window closes itself immediately, it does not wait for the user to enter a value or close the window.
    I often encounter this situation in many IDE versions.

    Does this seem like a bug?
    If anyone has encountered a similar problem while creating a new program name, function or function block instance name regarding the "Auto Declare" window and knows a solution, I would be glad if you could share it.

    Best wishes

  • richjusti - 10 hours ago

    It seems like a bug. Try updating your IDE or checking settings related to "Auto Declare." If the issue persists, report it to the software support team.

    solar smash


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