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Softmotion CNC Additional Axes

  • liuk89 - 2023-07-14

    Hi, I'm making software for a 5-axis CNC machine and I would like to know if there is a way to move the additional axis A (without moving XYZ) avoiding that the axis stops when it reaches the target, i.e. creating a profile continuous. I have tried everything but without success. You can see the current behavior of axis A in the attached figure.

  • arnog - 2023-08-09

    Hi Liuk I dont see a attached figure

  • liuk89 - 2023-08-09

    Hi arnog, I attach the picture to this message. I'm trying to approach a 5 axes machine. It's a low cost waterjet machine. In some cases I have to move only the two rotational axis without moving XYZ. The steps are quite small and I don't want that the A and C axes stops during the movements if the movements are along the same direction (example clock wise). Do you know if there is a way to do this?

    • Fless

      Fless - 2023-08-11


      documentation says it's not possible.

      Linear Motion
      G code: G1

      Two consecutive identical positions always result in a movement stop at this position. The stop also occurs when the subsequent path connects steadily and could be traveled without stopping.


      You're not moving the target coordinates (X,Y,Z) so the position doesn't change and the movement stops.

  • liuk89 - 2023-08-09

    Hi arnog, I attach the picture to this message. I'm trying to approach a 5 axes machine. It's a low cost waterjet machine. In some cases I have to move only the two rotational axis without moving XYZ. The steps are quite small and I don't want that the A and C axes stops during the movements if the movements are along the same direction (example clock wise). Do you know if there is a way to do this?

  • arnog - 2023-08-11

    Hi Liuk89 I don't know but are you following a g-code?


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