Errors with VisuUserManagement library

  • ron-rp - 2024-06-25

    Hi all,
    I've played a bit with the VisuUserManagement library, and some other security option in my project, and I started getting this error when logging in - see attached pic.
    something to do with a specific screen in the library - VUM_Login.
    Also, Codesys started to ask me to log in to the library when logging in, asking to log in as user of the groups Maintainer or Owner, which I dont know either users (attached pic).
    when I close the login screen and try to log in to the PLC again, everything works again until I close and open Codesys.
    I do use user and password to login to the PLC, and this login screen is fine I know the user and pass I setup.

    anyone know what did I do wrong here and how to fix it?

  • to-ke - 2024-07-09

    Hallo zusammen, hi all,
    ich habe den gleichen Fehler.
    Auf einem Raspberry Pi geht der Fehler weg, wenn ich alles bereinige und dann vollständig übersetze. Wenn das Projekt im Codesys Development System wieder neu geladen wird ist der Fehler aber wieder da.
    Mit eine Win V3 x64 PLC kann ich den Fehler nur unterbinden wenn ich auf der HMI das VUM_Login einbinde. Dieses brauche ich aber nicht, da ich die HMI für das User Management selbst gestaltet habe. Das funktioniert auch.

    I have the same error.
    On a Raspberry Pi the error goes away if I clean everything and then compile completely. When the project is reloaded in the Codesys Development System, the error returns.
    With a Win V3 x64 PLC I can only prevent the error if I integrate the VUM_Login on the HMI. But I don't need this because I designed the HMI for user management myself. That works too.

    Anyone have an idea to fix this problem.

    Many thanks

    • ron-rp - 2024-07-14

      I dont even need to clean, just compile again and the error disappears
      hopefullt someone knows what to do with it..


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