EtherCAT EEPROM imaging with ESI (.xml) file using Codesys EtherCAT master

  • sudeep0497 - 2022-03-21

    I have just started with the Codesys for ethercat. All this time I was using TwinCAT as a master application and was very comfortable with it but now when I have moved to codesys I am having difficulties in doing some basic things as well.

    So the first thing to get my slave device up and running is to Write its EEPROM with the ESI file contents without which the device shall not come to OP state and I cannot do anything without that.

    In TwinCAT there is an option to write to EEPROM and select the ESI file whose contents will be written to EEPROM. This can be done in Config mode itself, but in codesys I found out that the EPPROM access can only be done when I login and run the PLC application and even then the complete EEPROM write is not happening and the device is not going to OP state. PFA the image attached, I used "Write EEPROM xml" option when the PLC application was running(because this option gets enabled only when I login and run the PLC application). But the EEPROM is somehow not written and as I mentioned earlier the PREOP to SAFEOP transition itself fails.

    Please help me understand if I am doing anything wrong or let me know if Codesys doesn't really provide a reliable EEPROM write using ESI file?

  • thebushyone - 2022-04-12

    I am having the exact same issue trying to use the "Read E2PROM..." button under the same menu. Any help would be appriciated.



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