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Ethernet/IP Device runs for hours , connection with Master PLC just stopped

  • richard-wang - 2023-06-24

    Hello All, I need help on my project using Raspberry Pi as Ethernet/IP Device.
    I am using Codesys V3.5 SP18 Pathch2(64 bit) and I use Ethernet_Ip_Adapter V4.4.1.0.
    My problem is ,as a EIP slave, my device running for several hours, then all of sudden, the EIP connection dropped, showing message in log: IoDrvEthernetAdapter: Connection with serial number 2 to (which is my EIP Master PLC) timed out and is closed.
    I attached several pics for my setting and alarm log.
    I would really appreciate if anyone has the similiar issue and knows the answer.
    Thanks in advance.

  • richard-wang - 2023-06-24

    Here are some screenshots

  • richard-wang - 2023-06-24

    More screenshots


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