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Curtis 1226BL Drive

  • spbromiley - 2023-04-06

    I am trying to add a Curtis 1226BL Drive to my Codesys project. The network is working fine but I can't figure out how to create the Canopen i/o mapping. Anyone done this? Anyone got an EDS file that works?

  • ndzied2 - 2023-04-11

    I have no answer but we are trying to integrate a Curtis 1229 and neither Curtis nor their distributor is very interested in helping us beyond answer the most basic quesions. When we do get in touch with someone it seems like we are annoying them.

    We did get someone to tell us that, at least for the 1229 that it doesn't really support CanOPEN but they sent us an eds file. They said that other people have made it work by modifying the eds file themselves. Of course, they didn't know how the other people modified the eds file to make it work.

    I have CANopen Architect and made my own eds file. This lets us get the bus up but we haven't been able to confirm any data transfers yet.

    Keep us posted on your endeavors and if we figure out anything I'll post it here.


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