Ethernet IP codesys -> keyence

  • acasilla - 2020-08-24


    I have a sensor vision IV-HG150MA and I try to make a connection with a HMI Eaton XV-300 using a ethernet/ip but I receive the error "Invalid Segment in Connection Path"; some one got connect any PLC using these protocol with a sensor vision keyence?


  • nothinrandom - 2020-08-29

    @acasilla, as a word of advice... When asking for help on any forum, read through what you are about to post and ask yourself if the provided information makes sense for an internet stranger to be able to understand what you are asking. Things like what have you tried or code snippet would certainly help. Anyway, I have connected several Keyence devices to CoDeSys before. I would recommend starting out by visit their page to download the EDS file for the communication settings: Install that into your CoDeSys IDE and then create a EtherNet/IP connection. If you are an advanced user, you can modify the EDS file to group bytes into WORDS/DWORDS/etc instead of just leaving them as a generic array.


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