Internal function block (ST) in ladder program not executing?

  • nathant - 2022-04-19

    I am trying to implement an internal FB, written in structured text within a ladder program, with an enable input and output, three input variables, and two output variables. Everything about the logic seems sound, however when I try to simulate the program, the FB fails to execute even when EN is clearly on. I am quite new to CODESYS and figured the issue is probably basic, but so far none of my attempted fixes have worked.

  • loganr4l - 2022-04-19

    Need to see the code. Some things to keep in mind. You must start the the program program even in simulation mode. The ladder must be in some way tied into the tasks, for example the ladder POU could be directly tied to a task on an interval, or it could be called from another POU that is on a interval task.


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