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A problem about *EXCEPTION* FPU DivisionByZero

  • zhanjun717 - 2014-07-21

    i have updated to V3.5,when i run my app(named X105PLC) in the PLC,it will occur error below:
    “1405958206: Cmp=CmpIecTask, Class=8, Error=338, Info=3, pszInfo=#### EXCEPTION
    [<excpt>FPU DivisionByZero</excpt>] occurred: App=[<app>X105PLC</app>], Task=[<
    How can i ignore thses errors in my PLC and keep the task "X105PLC" running when it occur?

    MY CPU:MPC8280 400MHz;VxWorks 5.5.2

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2014-08-21

    To prevent an exception in the application caused by a division by zero it is best to check all your code for division by any variable and make sure it can never be zero or won't execute the division if it is zero.

    But if you don't want this and want to automatically divide by 1 if it is zero, you can add the objects "POU for implicit checks..." to your application. Then enable all division options. CODESYS will automatically create code and call this with every division to check if the variable value is 0. It will then replace this by 1.

    The consequence will be that your code will be somewhat larger and therefor slower.


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