In CoDesys V3 how can you uses the I/O Mapping tab when FB uses AT %I or %Q? The FB is defined as follows:
  aState   AT%I*:UINT;
  RxControl  AT%Q*:DWORD;
  TxControl  AT%I*:DWORD;
I can get it to compile if create a GVL with VAR_CONFIG as follows:
I would like to us the CoDeSys I/O Mapping so if the fixed I/O address shift because of hardware changes the VAR_CONFIG does not require updates. When I try to use the I/O Mapping tab I get the following compile errors shown in the picture below
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Originally created by: scott_cunningham
You cannot use AT declarations for input or output variables of POUs - per the CoDeSys help files.
Closest workaround for you is to change your ins and outs to pointers:
And then create the Fb_init() method this way:
METHODFb_init:BOOLVAR_INPUT  bInitRetains:BOOL;//Initializationoftheretainvariables(requiredbyFb_init)  bInCopyCode:BOOL;//Instancemovedintocopycode(requiredbyFb_init)  aStatePtr  :POINTERTOUINT;//hardwareaddresstouse  RxControlPtr:POINTERTODWORD;//hardwareaddresstouse  RxDataPtr  :POINTERTODWORD;//hardwareaddresstouse  TxControlPtr:POINTERTODWORD;//hardwareaddresstouse  TxDataPtr  :POINTERTODWORD;//hardwareaddresstouseEND_VARpaState:=aStatePtr;pRxControl:=RxControlPtr;...pTxData:=TxDataPtr;
Then when you declare your FB instance, you need to include your assignments (or you get a compile error):
Now Inst1 Ins and Outs point to the hardware address you desire. In your code, you need to dereference your pointers (like this example for a counter):
Another workaround that I prefer, but it does add some variables to memory space:
Define some generic arrays (e.g. DigIn[0]..DigIn[15]) and map them at the CoDeSys I/O mapping. Then in my code I add one POU (program) called HardwareMapping where I map my local variables that have meaning. The advantage is I have one program where all of the code to real world connections are made.
In CoDesys V3 how can you uses the I/O Mapping tab when FB uses AT %I or %Q? The FB is defined as follows:
I can get it to compile if create a GVL with VAR_CONFIG as follows:
I would like to us the CoDeSys I/O Mapping so if the fixed I/O address shift because of hardware changes the VAR_CONFIG does not require updates. When I try to use the I/O Mapping tab I get the following compile errors shown in the picture below
Originally created by: scott_cunningham
You cannot use AT declarations for input or output variables of POUs - per the CoDeSys help files.
Closest workaround for you is to change your ins and outs to pointers:
And then create the Fb_init() method this way:
Then when you declare your FB instance, you need to include your assignments (or you get a compile error):
Now Inst1 Ins and Outs point to the hardware address you desire. In your code, you need to dereference your pointers (like this example for a counter):
Another workaround that I prefer, but it does add some variables to memory space:
Define some generic arrays (e.g. DigIn[0]..DigIn[15]) and map them at the CoDeSys I/O mapping. Then in my code I add one POU (program) called HardwareMapping where I map my local variables that have meaning. The advantage is I have one program where all of the code to real world connections are made.
Works with Drive1 as a FB instance or a structure.
NOTE: This solution can add one scan latency (FBs don't see the value until the next scan) - some applications maybe can't tolerate this.
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