I am using combo box array to display elements,
The elements are chosen based on configuguration,
Now I want to add textlist support to it,
For example,
i have a array testArray: UINT[2]
testArray[0] := 1;
testArray[1] := 2;
I have a text list with the following index
1= One
2= two
My requirement is if the index in array is 1 the text 'one' should be displayed
when the value in array index is 2 then 'two' should be displayed in the array[index]
Hello Everyone,
I am using combo box array to display elements,
The elements are chosen based on configuguration,
Now I want to add textlist support to it,
For example,
i have a array testArray: UINT[2]
testArray[0] := 1;
testArray[1] := 2;
I have a text list with the following index
1= One
2= two
My requirement is if the index in array is 1 the text 'one' should be displayed
when the value in array index is 2 then 'two' should be displayed in the array[index]
Is it possible?
Talk.ru: 1
Talk.ru: 2
Hi, it is possible. Try for enums
Hi, it is possible. Try for enums With textlist support
Last edit: Tyro 2021-04-09
Hello Singh,
Can you post some image of the configuration or, attach a sample project?
Hi, i defined an ENUM eTEST_CH
as follows with TEXTLIST SUPPORT
{attribute 'qualified_only'}
{attribute 'to_string'}
NULL := 0,
CH1 := 1,
CH2 := 2,
CH3 := 3
//now i use this as Variable type in some global list say myGVL as follows
myChannels : eTEST_CH := eDMX_CH.NULL;
//now use this in your combobox -> Varible -> myGVL.myChannels
Thats all