juanir - 2021-05-20

Hello! search around the forum but didnt find any similar. Maybe someone can help me over here.
Receive an old project developed in SP9 Patch 2 and Im trying to migrate it to SP9 Patch 5. If I downgrade the PLC RTS to an old one, original old project runs as expected. The problem is that the PLC we are using now have an RTS that works for Patch 5, so downgrade is not a possibility for all devices.

If I Update the device (Device -> Update Device), project builds correctly but when trying to download it to the PLC some signature mismatch appears before actually start. I assume that there are some hashes or CRC that needs to be updated in the project before download it to the PLC, or something that is preventing an old project full be rebuild in a new version.

Can someone faced this kind of signature mismatch? is it in fact possible to migrate from one old patch to a newer patch without having to rewrite everything, is it?

Thanks in advance!