jmohre - 2020-02-20

Hi guys,

I am using MS Visual Studio 2019 and try to debug my Python scripts.

Starting CODEYS.exe from VS2019 IDE and passing python script with arguments works fine, even single stepping is possible.
What is not working good, is the watch variable part to see the value of a variable.

If I add the variable either by inserting the name into "Watch1" or by selecting the variable in source code and right-click and select "Add Watch" I only see the following error as value of the variables: "error CS0103: The name 'text2' does not exist in the current context"

What works is...I can search the variable name in "Locals" and add it Watch. So I will see the value.
But the name if the variable is something like:

"new System.Collections.Generic.Mscorlib_CollectionDebugView<ironpython.runtime.objectdebugview>(new IronPython.Runtime.PythonModule.DebugProxy(new IronPython.Runtime.CodeContext.DebugProxy($globalContext).Members).Members).Items[67]"</ironpython.runtime.objectdebugview>

This is very inconvenient.

Any one here who knows how to show the value of variable by adding the variable via context menu (right-click) or insert the variable name into watch window?
