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Versions of libraries inside libraries

  • maoravni - 2021-08-04

    We have a library containing common infrastructure for our projects, like a TCP server.

    We're upgrading the project from Codesys to

    My question is regarding the included library versions in the project vs. the library versions in our infrastructure library.

    I've opened the library, upgraded all libraries to the newest, and deployed the library.

    When including our library the placeholders list shows the "CAA NetBase" library. When setting the NetBase library to version the TCP server doesn't work as expected. When setting the NetBase library to version the TCP server works as expected.

    My question: which library version is used? The one used in my library? Or the one used in the project?

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2021-08-04

    the one in the project.


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