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How to switch between dynamic IP address and dynamic?

  • DavidBo - 2023-11-06

    I want to make an application with a UI for
    CODESYS Control for Raspberry Pi MC SL
    which make it possible to switch between dynamin and fixed IP address and to set the IP address.
    However I do not know whether that is possible?

  • snhatton - 2023-11-08

    Does this help: https://pimylifeup.com/raspberry-pi-static-ip-address/#:~:text=1%20To%20begin%20setting%20up%20a%20static%20IP,go%20ahead%20and%20restart%20the%20Raspberry%20Pi.%20.

    Following those instructions, it is possible to configure the ip address as static.

    • DavidBo - 2023-11-08

      Well. One can do that, I have found a python script which can modify /etc/dhcpcd.conf and I suppose there is a way I can execute it from CODESYS and it seems to be the only way


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