Draw Commands

  • Reinier Geers - 2019-02-06

    As far i know CODESYS still Can't Draw.
    So that the programm Draw's
    Like Line, circle, Arc etc

    The basic command .

    Has anyone a solution for that ??

  • dFx

    dFx - 2019-02-06

    using a trace may be a workaround.

  • m.prestel - 2019-02-07

    Hello sir,
    you can use the XY-Chart.

    Best regards,

  • Reinier Geers - 2019-02-19

    Thanks ! But i want to draw !!

    I did it ones by drawing circles out of vieuw.
    Dan if i want to schow them i moved them.
    Nice with 20 of them but not with 200

    And i think draw commands schould be the basic

    Those chart are not always what you want.

  • Anonymous - 2019-02-19

    Originally created by: Viacheslav Mezentsev

    It is impossible and I think never will be possible. Even if you success, it will be slow or difficult to maintain.

    The project below uses one polygon to show the scene (all figures). A special technique is used to draw shapes and hide intermediate segments. I can not give a project, because comments in russian and it contains a special library. This library contains dynamic arrays. It is also in russian and it will be difficult for me to explain how it all works. Balls move around the scene. Also, it will be difficult for me to explain how the visualization works with dynamic arrays. They work in different threads, so they need to be synchronized.

    IMG: 2019

    IMG: 2019

  • m.prestel - 2019-02-19

    Hello Reinier Geers,

    Could you please be more specific about what you're trying to achieve?
    What exactly is your use case and why doesn't it go beyond the currently available elements?

    Best regards,

  • Reinier Geers - 2019-02-20

    Quiet Simple. I want the software to draw. Not the Visulasation.
    Now you have to draw somethink in the visulasation and than you kan change the shape in the software.

    I want the software to draw.

    So like Circle( 100, 100 , 50, 16#11FF5678 ) witch would make circle ( X , Y, Diametre , Color )

    Line( X1,Y1,X2,Y2,Color )

    So always miss the Basic thinks in codesys .

  • RolandWagner

    RolandWagner - 2019-02-20

    So always miss the Basic thinks in codesys .

    Perhaps because the integrated CODESYS Visualization is meant to be a visualization, not a drawing tool. Nevertheless, if there are a good and useful ideas that help many users we will be pleased to put them onto our roadmap.

    However, I have never heard this request so far...

  • Anonymous - 2019-02-20

    Originally created by: Viacheslav Mezentsev

    If your PLC has access to the framebuffer, then you can create your own graphic library without using visualization. It works, I already did that but it is hard.

    Requirements of this kind arise from the fact that the Codesys has very underdeveloped visualization. It is, for example, much worse than the EasyBuilder Pro from the Weintek. By the way, they have a similar opportunity (drawing component).
    Things of some kind generally impossible to implement in Π‘odesys. That is why many examples in the store are very primitive. For example, it is impossible to implement the browsing of the archive history by day. In EasyBuilder Pro you can do that.
    It is also impossible to develop a visualization with a multitude of superimposed components, since Codesys does not have tools for convenient work with them.
    The implementation of the screen saver required considerable effort.

    I do not know who made up the terms of reference, but they clearly have little understanding in the HMI development.

  • Reinier Geers - 2019-02-25

    Hello Mr Wagner,
    As far i know those who want somethink special don't use Visulazation form CODESYS because of his limits.
    If visualization was ment to be visualization.. It should already be in it . I want to visulize what the machine is going to do .

    I think i asked for it already at version 3.5P4.

    and those commands are already in the visualization. So it only have to be accessable by the programm.

  • Reinier Geers - 2019-02-25

    Hello Mr. Mezentsev,

    I had a project with Easybilder. Easybuilder is not Easy. And complitly not flexable.

    And i want to use one programm not 2.

    If CODESYS would have the basic thinks, it would'n have his limits.

  • Anonymous - 2019-02-26

    Originally created by: Viacheslav Mezentsev

    Yes, it is not easy but more powerfull as HMI IDE. You can see one example here. As you can see, I have skills in designing projects for panels.

    That is why Weintek bought the Codesys 3.5 RTS (without Visualization) and has HMI panels that are programmed by two IDEs: Codesys and EasyBuilder Pro.

    You can use Codesys Visualization only for very simple projects.

    And i want to use one programm not 2.

    Everyone wants. But this is not always possible.

    If CODESYS would have the basic thinks, it would'n have his limits.

    I see the limits, since my projects are more complicated than what the Codesys can do. More complicated for Codesys but not for EasyBuilder Pro which is also very far from modern requirements.

  • alm - 2019-07-29

    Viacheslav Mezentsev hat geschrieben:
    You can use Codesys Visualization only for very simple projects.

    Well, yes. But if you really want to, you can still get CodeSys to look good.

    For example a heating control project I'm currently working on. (not finished yet)
    Those Charts are all made dynamically with X/Y coordinates and by drawing polygons
    For the 3rd Tab, you can see it's a bar chart and when the user hovers the mouse over a bar it shows the value of it and it highlights the bar.
    This is by drawing a rectangle on X/Y and so on. So it's possible to make not only simple projects.
    The thing you see at the bottom is also draggable and so on.
    But of course I did all the drawing by myself.

    I would really like that CodeSys makes it easier to draw in the future.

    IMG: 1.png

    IMG: 2.png

    IMG: 3.png

    IMG: 4.png

  • e.kislov - 2019-07-29

    Seems very beatiful.
    How you add sound-player? With Native Control element?

  • alm - 2019-07-29

    e.kislov hat geschrieben:
    Seems very beatiful.
    How you add sound-player? With Native Control element?

    The Sound player is connected with our spotify account.
    I'm using the official Spotify API to get all the data.
    If you look closely, you will see that it looks almost the same as the windows spotify app. (The Layout)
    Those buttons are just images with a click event

  • e.kislov - 2019-07-29

    So you even download album cover from Spotify server?
    It's cool.

  • alm - 2019-07-30

    e.kislov hat geschrieben:
    So you even download album cover from Spotify server?
    It's cool.

    yes, I also parse the album url and download it onto the device and update the current one, if it's different.

  • dhowells - 2022-01-04

    I think this is a valid request from Reinier - why can't graphic primitives be called from a function/program etc?

    I understand that the visualization system is just that - it accesses data in program space and can read/write that data. That's fine,that's clearly a valid model. So let's think about it another way:

    A) Is it possible to call functions contained in one of the system libraries (for example TargetVisuLight)? If not then,

    B) Is it possible to create a custom graphic element which, for example, takes a linked list of items and draws/plots them?

    Option B fits with the current visualization model. It's an element which would be placed on a page, and each time updated would run through the list of items drawing each into the frame buffer.

    So the question now becomes, can we do A, and if not, how do we make B?


    • m.prestel - 2022-01-05


      No you cannot do A. The communication between PLC and clients does not work with external calls.

      In regards to B, I think it could be possible but CODESYS does currently have no plan to implement such an element.

      For Webvisu users there is gonna be some interesting new feature which allows users to create their own elements more easy. This is currently planned for the Visu AddOn release, but it may very well slip to a later version.

      Best regards,

  • dhowells - 2022-01-05

    Thanks Marcel. I have a sales request in to see what tools I need in order to develop such an element.


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