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WebVisualization in 3.5.2. -trace(save and load)

  • opa177 - 2013-10-06

    I'm making web visualization. I don't know how to use save and load option at trace element. I don't know what to put in variable of type string...Save trace(variable to save the trace to a file)???It is just written that it has to be string. Does it save it in some directory in the PLC?
    Is history option working in V2.3.9? I mean trends.
    I would like to make a web visualization with trends/trace with a history option of the data..

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2013-10-07

    Histrorical trends are not yet supported by V3. As far as I know this will be introduced with 3.5 SP4 (end of 2013), but you have to check with your PLC vendor if this will be supported by the hardware you use.

  • opa177 - 2013-10-07

    I manage to save data to my PLC. But when i tried to load it back it won't work.
    When i want to load it i use the variable path(the same like when i'm saving data).

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2013-10-07

    Are you sure you are saving the trend variable data?
    Please upload this file and check the contents. I think you are saving the trend configuration.

  • opa177 - 2013-10-07

    The file is Trends.trace. I'm not sure what it is saving. I can't open this file. It is possible that this is only trend configuration. I don't know how to check it since i can't open this file.


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