pinod - 2023-05-30


I've been trying to find a way detect new received data using the canopenmanager for a while and everything that I've explored so far always ended up as a dead end... Is anyone aware of a way to obtain to timestamp reception and/or a reception flag of a specific PDO of a listed device in the CANopenManager?

I've skimmed through old documentation (written circa 2007 : CANopen for 3S Runtime Systems V2_3_5_0.doc) and there was mention of a reception flag of recently received PDOs that could be removed by the application, but I haven't found anything about this in the new documentation for CodeSys 3.5. Is there such a mechanism?

I feel like I'm missing a piece of the puzzle, it is hard to believe that no such thing exists.


(I am stuck using Codesys 3.5 SP11 due to the PLC I am using.)