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Trouble installing codesys 64

5 days ago
  • jose-coro - 2024-04-23

    I tried to intalling codesys 64, during the installation process I get the following messages:
    "One or more problems have appeared with the current version profile. please consult with the supplier to solve the problem.
    -The plugin '{ee08241a-dd43-445a-b0a1-de9f717d92e0}(exactly' is required for the current version profile but is not installed.
    The plug-in '{c7880c90-68c0-4cf8-a726-f0ee72b11f86}(exactly' is required for the current version profile but is not installed.
    The add-on '{973a3934-1ec6-4770-83a4-59677803015a}(exactly' is required for the current version profile but is not installed.
    It is recommended to terminate the application."
    Then the following message appears:
    "This package could not be installed: CODESYS Compatibility Package”.
    After that the instalation continue and the folling message appears:
    "It is possible that packages from this path could not be installed: C:\Users...\Appdata\Local\Temp{EFE2F~1}\Packages"

  • dhumphries - 5 days ago

    Are you running the installer with admin privileges?


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