Can I use SysCom lib from Codesys in TwinCAT

  • edmond - 2018-10-04

    i export the library SysCom, and install to TwinCAT.
    Compiled successfully but when loggin, reported ```

    unresolved references <extref>SysComOpen<extref></extref></extref>


  • alwoso - 2018-10-04

    Hi Edmond!

    The library "SysCom" internally uses another library, "SysTypes2Interfaces", where some datatypes are defined.

    The function "SysComOpen" in "SysCom" is of type "RTS_IEC_HANDLE", which is defined in SysTypes2Interfaces. That's the reason, why the error occurs.
    So you will have to export the Codesys Library "SysTypes2Interfaces" into TwinCat, too, or you have to build your own library with that name and define the needed datatypes there.

    Good luck!


    IMG: Syscom.png

  • edmond - 2018-10-05

    hi Alfred,

    but it is not working.
    i tried both local runtime and on IPC runtime.

    i think beckhoff need to use their own Serial port library


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