[FATAL ERROR] Unresolved reference: 'USERMGRUSERGETPROPERTY' on Codesys 3.5 SP19

  • devis - 2023-03-10

    Good afternoon.
    I'm Devis from Italy. I'm new to Codesys and I'm trying to port a project from old version of Codesys to the last revision. The compilation of the project complete with no error, but when I download it to the phisical module (I'm using an Exor SOM), it give me the error as in subject. I found that it is caused by last version of Visualization package ( In fact in the previous release, not updating this package at version everything had been working fine. In new version of the program I can't install Visualization because is has been blocked. Is there something I can modify in the project to solve this issue ?
    Thanks in advance and have a nice day.

  • stefans - 2023-03-11

    The Unresolved references come from the UserManagement that are uses since Visu

    To "disable" the UserManagement you can change the CmpUserMgr implementation to Empty:


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