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Question about V3.5 SP17

  • m.prestel - 2021-06-02


    • Improvements of Trend (page 30)
      About what in particular are you talking about? What feature should be included in the example? I may be able to provide you an example.
    • What mean "Searchโ€‰/โ€‰replace within the trend recording now possible"?
      It was not possible to find/replace variables which used in the trend recording.
    • WebVisu FileTransfer - dialogs for the file transfer can be customized in size and design
      Check out the newly generated webvisu.htm. The file includes an inline style and you can see how to change things

    For the rest, someone else has to help you.

    Best regards,


    Last edit: m.prestel 2021-06-02
  • kislov - 2021-06-02

    Hi, sir Prestel.
    Thank you for answer.

    What feature should be included in the example?

    Mostly i mean "Possibility to reset the trend recording in the database".
    But in general - there is a screen from the project on the page 30.
    In my opinion, it's easier to just post it here.

    It was not possible to find/replace variables which used in the trend recording

    Did I understand correctly - are you talking about search / replace variable names in CODESYS IDE?


    Last edit: kislov 2021-06-02
  • m.prestel - 2021-06-02


    the following code shows how to reset the trend recording database

        itfTrendRecording                               : ITrendRecording;
        itfTrendStorageWriter                           : ITrendStorageWriter;
        itfTrendStorageWriter3                          : ITrendStorageWriter3;
        sTrendRecordingName : STRING := 'TrendRecording';
        itfTrendRecording := GlobalInstances.g_TrendRecordingManager.FindTrendRecording(ADR(sTrendRecordingName));
        IF itfTrendRecording <> 0 THEN
            itfTrendStorageWriter := itfTrendRecording.GetTrendStorageWriter();
            IF __QUERYINTERFACE(itfTrendStorageWriter, itfTrendStorageWriter3) THEN

    Yes, I am talking about the IDE feature Search/Replace

    Best regards,

  • kislov - 2021-06-21

    Still interesting in questions 1 & 2.

  • kislov - 2021-07-01

    Thank you.
    I got answers to all questions.


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