I'm creating a system to test the "C " functions library of a controller.
Every time I'm Loading python script, But each time The project is different.
Is there an option to login online using the python script?
is it possible to login once and then Stay connect ?
another question I'm passing this code to de command line
I'm creating a system to test the "C " functions library of a controller.
Every time I'm Loading python script, But each time The project is different.
Is there an option to login online using the python script?
is it possible to login once and then Stay connect ?
another question I'm passing this code to de command line
start /b /wait CODESYS.exe --profile="CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 1"--runscript="C:\Ladder_Diagram_Relay_BLINK.project\ReadVariable.py" --noUI 1>ScriptMessages.txt
I don't get CODESYS forwards all messages that are generated by the script to the ScriptMessages.txt file.
Even when I create error.