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OPC UA hide symbols

  • dotmec - 2021-12-07

    Hi guys,
    In symbol configuration I have 3 exported GVL.
    I'd like to hide two of this GVL list in OPC UA.
    There is a way to do it?

  • dFx

    dFx - 2021-12-13

    did you had a look at Symbol Configuration ?
    Have a good day.

  • dotmec - 2021-12-14

    Yes, but I cannot enable "user management" because HMI client and OPC client does not support login with user and password.

  • struland - 2021-12-14

    I do not have user management enabled as well. Anyway, in "Symbol Configuration" you should be able to set the access right by clicking on the icon.

    When it is empty and you do a recompile and a new target download.

  • dotmec - 2021-12-14

    I can change the symbols access rights (R,W,RW) but not hide the tags to OPC client.
    When the OPC client connect and read the tags it can see the 3 gvl list that are checked for export. If is possible I want that the OPC client see only the dedicated tag list and not all the tags that are used in HMI.
    Maybe is not possible to do it or I cannot understand how to do.

  • dFx

    dFx - 2021-12-14

    If you don't need access, just uncheck them from the list.
    If you can't this may be due to an attribute of your GVL : symbol

    You will have to manually check each variable you want.

    Edit : Fixed link


    Last edit: dFx 2021-12-14
  • dotmec - 2021-12-14

    I cannot do it like this because the unchecked tags is also not accessible from HMI client.


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