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Sysmac Studio to Codesys

  • dorran - 2021-12-13


    Have anyone had experience with trying to transfer a Sysmac Studio project file over to Codesys? Sysmac studio does not offer the option to export their files as XML which eliminates that option if not any third party software could offer that solution.

  • ender30 - 2023-02-14

    I got an executable from Omron to be able to export programs to xml. Once executed, the option to export to IEC 61131-10 XML appears in sysmac studio. Unfortunately I haven't been able to get it to work. I corrected the difference between lowercase and uppercase in the headers of the XML file, but it kept throwing errors. Given the lack of support I had to give up. I don't know if anyone will have advanced.

    • lepewe4ka - 2023-09-18


      did you have to pay for this export program enable?

    • lepewe4ka - 2023-09-20

      Could you send me an example? I would like to generate a data structure using XML files.

  • lepewe4ka - 2023-09-20

    Could you send me an example? I would like to generate a data structure using XML files.


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