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Codesys Control log "eventbuffer full"

  • mg0815 - 2023-12-14

    Device: RPI 3b or 3B+
    System: Wheezy

    I got the Log:
    2023-12-13T00:38:43Z, 0x00000054, 2,6,11, !!!! Warning: Eventbuffer full for app=<app>Application</app>; an inputevent with the tag <tag>128</tag> has been dropped
    This log happens aroud 10 times a second.
    Sometimes the controller stopped working any more.

    What is the reason for this?
    I will update this controller soon (I hope so, but in the meantime I should at least know hoe to prevent this issue)


  • as1984 - 2024-01-17

    Have you found a solution for this?
    Id be thankful for every hint.
    I have a controller with the same events in log and sometimes it crashes. Memory of the codesys3 task rises until the linux system kills the task because the controller runs out of memory.


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