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AWSIoTSubscribe (topic 80chars and greater)

  • ajvr - 2023-02-13


    since a couple of weeks i am using 'codesysIOT' librarys. i use the AWS functionality. it works great. but now i have a problem, the subscribe doesnt work with a topic with a lenght of 90 chars. does anyone have the same experience?

    it seems that somewhere in the fb the string is used which is declared with no length. so it is set at 80 chars.

    kind regards,

  • nothinrandom - 2023-02-21

    Try to downgrade the MQTT Client SL to, which is the last known good working version. CoDeSys posted on their store that is supposed to fix this issue, but it looks like not yet.

    MQTT Client SL-
        Important Bugfix (for topics > 80 chars)
        Bugfix (AsyncProperty)
        Improved error handling of the subscriber FB
  • ajvr - 2023-02-21

    Thanks you very much. that version works good.

    but how do you now that this is the last known good working version?
    I've read the release notes, but I can't read that there.

    the bug has also been reported to codesys by the PLC supplier.


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