sean-barton - 2023-06-06

I have a single CANopen master and single CANopen slave. The slave is defined with several inputs and outputs and an EDS file has been generated from the slave for import on the master. The two ECUs communicate with each other, simply exchanging data directly on the CANopen network.

There is a large delay on boot as the master configures the slave, after which data transfers between master and slave - back and forth - successfully. To reduce this large delay on boot, I have tried setting the CANopen manager to "Start slaves" and "NMT start all (if possible)" in the General settings, then set the slave to "No initialization" on the General settings for the configuration of the slave on the master ECU - the slave then starts immediately, but no data is exchanged.

The default values on the slave PDOs all look correct to me, so what am I missing?


Last edit: sean-barton 2023-06-06