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Adding a CANBUS device on Codesys Control Linux SL

  • jeromebunel - 2022-05-25

    Hello. I want to add a CANBUS device to make a CanOpen Master on a PC with CoDesys control Linux SL.
    What kind of device do you recommend ? USB/Canbus adaptater, ethernet/Canbus gateway etc...

    Can anyone share their experience and suggest me an easy to use Canbus device.
    With maybe an example of project and settings file.

    Thank you, very much.

  • sgronchi - 2022-05-25

    Any SocketCAN-supported device should work well. Peak, Kvaser, Vector...

  • jeromebunel - 2022-05-25

    Hello. Thank you for your answer.
    Can you share a link to this devices ?


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