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increase default string length in queue

  • captaincookie - 2023-10-05


    I'm using Codesys V3.5 SP18 Patch 4. In the ElementCollectionExample Project from Codesys, I test the SimpleQueueExample in a Control Win V3 x64 environment. I try to add a string of 95 characters length to a queue. The default length of strings is defined as 80 characters. In the initialization of a string variable, it is possible to increase the length by the definition of e.g. STRING(1000). But when I write the string defined like this to the queue, only 80 characters are written to it and the rest is missing. I think the default length is still set in the queue definition, so it is necessary to change this, isn't it? Is there any option to increase the default length of strings in the queue?
    Attached you can find the used project.

    Thanks in advance. If any information are missing or my description unclear please let me know.

    • captaincookie - 2023-10-11

      I solved it by creating a new element of IElement according to the ElementExample (MyElement) in the ElementCollectionsExamples project. The variables in this element can then be defined in any properties as needed.


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