Automating Options Import

  • johnsmith - 2023-07-31

    Hi All,
    There is a way to import/export Codesys IDE settings to an "options.xml" using the UI, but I wanted to know if there was a way to use the scripting engine to automate this process? I see that there is a way to get the GUID of this command but not sure if that helps.

    If not, is there a place where these options are saved on Windows?


  • kislov - 2023-08-02

    Check C:\ProgramData\CODESYS and C:\ProgramData\CODESYS\Options (.opt)


    Last edit: kislov 2023-08-02
  • johnsmith - 2023-08-02

    Tried changing opt file, does not work. I also just tried manually importing options from their GUI and it doesn't work either! Where can I submit a ticket for this bug?


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